Friday, February 04, 2005

What a surprise......

Wow....imagine that. Enforcing the laws already on the books makes a positive difference in crime: Old Gun Law Reaps New Benefits in S.F.

SAN FRANCISCO — A renewed enforcement of a 10-year-old law has reaped big new benefits in San Francisco, where police cite it as a primary factor in a recent drop in homicides.

Who would have thought that punishing criminals would reduce crime? Of course, being San Francisco, the do-gooders are upset about holding people responsible for their actions.

Some people, however, criticize the law for unnecessarily bringing minor gun offenders in for federal gun crimes.

“The ultimate sentence that is imposed tends to be much higher and the question is, ‘is that appropriate?’” said Public Defender Ron Tyler.

Do you suppose that if more people were punished for what they've done, it might not be necessary to punish all the people who haven't done anything wrong by banning/confiscating their guns?

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