Tuesday, March 22, 2005

I guess cows are more important....

Your thinking assignment for tonight is to compare and contrast these two news stories:

Immokalee rancher charged with starving 120 cows

IMMOKALEE, Fla. - A fourth-generation rancher who said he ran out of money to buy feed for his livestock has been charged with 120 felony counts of animal cruelty, authorities say.

Three arrested bringing water to Schiavo

Just before 11 a.m. on Saturday, three men were taken into custody when they tried to force their way past officers guarding the driveway of Woodside Hospice to take bread and water to Ms. Schiavo as a symbolic gesture.

The three - led by James Gritz, a former Green Beret commander from Nevada known as Bo - were arrested on misdemeanor trespassing charges, police officials said.

Meanwhile, this asshole wears a bullet proof vest and is moved in secret to keep him safe.

Wouldn't it be nice if Jessica Lunsford and Terri Schiavo received as much protection and care as a rapist/murderer and a bunch of cows?

My only consolation is that Terri and Jessica will have a special place in Heaven, while John Couey and Michael Schiavo will have a special place reserved for them in the deepest pits of Hell.


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