Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Letter to the editor
Let's be careful out there; I know I am
This is dedicated to those who never knew.To the uncivil civil servant and to the driver who cut me off in traffic: You never knew. To the co-worker who disagreed with me, to the slothful restaurant waiter: None of you ever knew.
To the doctor who kept me waiting, to his assistant who did not care and to the pharmacist who did not have time to answer my question: Each of you never knew.
You never knew I am one of the many Arizonans who possess a Concealed Carry Weapon Permit (CCWP) and carry a firearm for self-defense. Contrary to the liberal mindset, I did not fly off the handle in a moment of rage when encountering unpleasant experiences that are part of everyday life. I did not shoot you, brandish my weapon or lose my temper.Those who obtain a CCWP and carry a firearm recognize their responsibility and do not have a "wild-West" mentality, as some would suggest.
Finally, to the thug who plans on harming me and my family: You don't know.
- Clayton W. Rhoades, Scottsdale
Thank you, Mr. Rhoades, for an excellent letter.