Saturday, September 10, 2005

Tribes and sheepdogs

Before you read anything else on my blog, you need to go read Bill Whittle's latest essay: Tribes.

Go ahead. I'll be here when you get back.

I'm proud to say that I consider myself to be a member of Bill's Tribe. Perhaps a junior member, but I definitely consider myself to be a grey sheepdog........with one limitation: I am my family's sheepdog first. I will gladly help any person that I can, provided that my family is not in need of help also. If my family needs me, well then everyone else can wait. If you think less of me for that, so be it.


Let's hear it for the grey sheepdogs: Awhoof!

Keep sniffing out the pink wolves in sheep's clothing... (talking about you again, Mr. Moore!)
"If you think less of me for that, so be it."

Actually, anybody whose opinion is worth considering will think more highly of you for having such an outlook.
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