Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Another fine rant

Banagor has produced yet another awesome rant:

I’m sorry if this comes off a little rough, but I’m pissed off. I’m sick to death of people telling me that we have to understand them and listen to their grievances. How about they try to understand us for a while? Have they ever? Or are the people telling me that I have to be more sensitive to their values simply saying this because they, deep inside where the sunlight never shines, believe as I do: the Muslim world is made up of a bunch of fucking savages who have never evolved beyond the stone age?

Warning: strong language! The quote above is the nice part.

I have to say that I agree. In my younger days, when I still thought I could change the world and make it a better place, I actually believed that if everyone would just talk to one another we could make everything right. Now I know better. My goal at this point is not to improve the world....I simply want myself and my family left the hell alone and I consider it my DUTY to make sure that happens.

By the way: I consider the entire population of the United States of America to be my family. I wonder if bacon grease would foul a barrel?



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