Thursday, November 10, 2005

Fair and Balanced

Something you don't hear about every day:  "fair and balanced" discussion of a political hot topic in a public school.  My daughter's civics class is discussing the Bill of Rights this week, and yesterday they began working on the 2nd Amendment.  The discussion topics included original intent, definition of a militia at the time of the writing, the author's concern about standing armies, the various uses of firearms then and now, and (according to Kathy) a rather thorough discussion of the defensive use of firearms in contemporary society including the various reasons for concealed carry vs. open carry of handguns.
The teacher did not reveal until the end of the class (and even then only when he was asked) that his personal views are anti-gun.  It is my understanding that he explained that his personal views should not matter in the discussion and that the kids needed to make up their own mind.
I'm quite impressed. 

I'd like to shake that teacher's hand.
I am completely floored by the thought - a teacher not intent on brainwashing? Can't be.

I love the idea of teaching kids to reason it out for themselves. I, too, would shake that teachers hand - and maybe buy 'em a drink.
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