Tuesday, November 08, 2005

How Empires End

Pat Buchanan's essay Paris Burning: How Empires End has been getting a lot of attention today. I first ran across a link to it on World Net Daily, then found it again (along with quite a bit of commentary) at La Shawn Barber's Corner, then heard one of our local talk radio hosts discussing it on the way home. The discussion on the radio centered not around the validity of Mr. Buchanan's point of view, but around the question of whether or not the people of the U.S. will fight (both figuratively and literally) to prevent French-style riots from happening here.

As I've said before, I don't think the question is will we fight.......the question is: will enough of us fight?


No not enough will fight if the time comes. Most Americans, even those who own guns, are wusses. It takes a large and very firm commitment to pull the trigger on another.

I was born on a hardscrabble Maine farm and learned early that one has to kill to survive, be it chickens, the beef critter of rats eating the chicken feed. One does what they have to do, if, and its a big "if" they have learned and cultivated the kill to survive thinking. It is not easy and there will be remorse but it come down to a matter of survival. I am a survivor!
You know I will, boss.

Let's see how many will sign this line.
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